Course Title:

Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods

Course Description:

The MCAST Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods is designed to give candidates clear insights into research practices, methodologies and the basic research tools and techniques. A knowledge and understanding of how to approach both quantitative and qualitative research is targeted, as well as an understanding of ethical considerations and the expectations for scholarly research.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods tal-MCAST huwa ddisinjat biex jipprovdi lill-kandidati għarfien ċar dwar il-prattiki u l-metodoloġiji tar-riċerka u l-għodod u t-tekniki bażiċi tar-riċerka. L-għan ta’ dan il-kors hu li wieħed jikseb għarfien u fehim dwar kif wieħed għandu jwettaq riċerka, kemm kwantitattiva kif ukoll kwalitattiva, flimkien ma’ fehim tal-kunsiderazzjonijiet etiċi u l-aspettattivi għar-riċerka akkademika.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


2 Semesters – part time

Intake Info:

October 2019

Exit Strategy:

Exit with a Post Graduate Certificate in Research Methods at 30ECTS, possibility to progress to a Masters in Research at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Masters by Research

Course Description:

The Masters by Research (MRes) programme provides the student with sound practical knowledge and experience in preparation for a research career, as well as, with preparation and training for doctoral research. Students will have demonstrated originality in the application of knowledge, and they will understand how the boundaries of knowledge are advanced through research. They will be able to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, and they will show originality in tackling and solving applied research related challenges.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm Masters by Research (MRes) jipprovdi lill-istudent għarfien prattiku sod u esperjenza bħala tħejjija għal karriera fir-riċerka, kif ukoll bħala tħejjija u taħriġ għal riċerka fil-livell tad-dottorat.

L-istudenti jkunu wrew oriġinalità fl-applikazzjoni tal-għarfien, u jifhmu kif il-fruntieri tal-għarfien jitwessgħu permezz tar-riċerka. Huma jkunu jistgħu jittrattaw kwistjonijiet kumplessi, kemm b’mod sistematiku kif ukoll b’mod kreattiv, u juru oriġinalità fl-indirizzar u s-soluzzjoni ta’ sfidi relatati mar-riċerka applikata.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


4 Semesters – part time

Intake Info:

October 2019

Exit Strategy:

M.Res. MQF Level 7 at 90 ECTS


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Business Administration for the Small Business (MBA)

Course Description:

The MCAST MBA for the Small Business programme, focuses on the small businesses’ theoretical knowledge, application-oriented experiences as well as the identification of innovation possibilities and growth potentials. This MBA is structured to reflect the needs of modern business dynamics. The MCAST MBA is taught by industry experts and leading academics who have had successful careers in their respective business settings.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm MBA for the Small Business tal-MCAST, jiffoka fuq l-għarfien teoretiku tan-negozji ż-żgħar, esperjenzi orjentati lejn l-applikazzjoni kif ukoll l-identifikazzjoni ta’ possibbiltajiet tal-innovazzjoni u potenzjali ta’ tkabbir. Dan l-MBA huwa strutturat biex jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tad-dinamika tan-negozju modern. L-MBA tal-MCAST huwa mgħallem minn esperti fl-industrija u persuni akkademiċi ewlenin li rnexxew fil-karriera tagħhom fl-ambjenti rispettivi tan-negozju tagħhom.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


6 Semesters – part time


October 2019

Exit Strategy:

PG. Cert Business Administration at 30 ECTS.

PG. Diploma Business Administration at 60 ECTS.

Full MBA at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Lean Enterprise

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Lean Enterprise includes lean problem-solving methodologies, demonstrates contemporary lean thinking principles, lean enterprise development and value stream mapping, including modern enterprise improvement techniques such as Six Sigma, theory of constraints and business process reengineering. It applies process analysis to business activities, methods improvement and work measurement to meet the competitive goals of a business environment. It evaluates the key characteristics of quality and the quality philosophy through established lean methods of quality improvement.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-Master of Science in Lean Enterprise jinkludi metodoloġiji tas-soluzzjoni tal-problemi b’użu mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi, jippreżenta prinċipji ta’ ħsieb kontemporanju b’użu mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi, l-iżvilupp tal-intrapriżi b’użu mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi u l-immappjar tal-fluss tal-valur, inklużi tekniki moderni ta’ titjib tal-intrapriżi bħal Six Sigma, it-teorija ta’ restrizzjonijiet u l-inġinerija mill-ġdid tal-proċess tan-negozju. L-analiżi tal-proċess tiġi applikata f‘attivitajiet tan-negozju, fit-titjib tal-metodi u fil-kejl tax-xogħol biex jiġu ssodisfati l-għanijiet kompetittivi ta’ ambjent tan-negozju. Jiġu evalwati l-karatteristiċi ewlenin tal-kwalità u l-filosofija tal-kwalità permezz ta’ metodi stabbiliti ta’ titjib tal-kwalità b’użu mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters

Intake Info:

October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Information Technology & Systems

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Information Technology and Systems provides fundamental skills in a variety of advanced ICT areas such as cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things (IoT), with a focus on developing intelligent solutions through a blend of hardware and software. The programme focuses on software as a service infrastructure, information management, enterprise systems and eLogistics. Also a focus is placed on systems strategy and management, business process innovation and cyber security. Key to the programme is network security and data management technologies, as well as software defined networking, and the new field of distributed hashing and computing, typified by distributed version control systems and blockchain based crypto-currency applications.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-Master of Science in Information Technology and Systems jipprovdi ħiliet fundamentali f’varjetà ta’ oqsma avvanzati tal-ICT, bħall-cloud computing, il-big data u l-Internet tal-Oġġetti (IoT), b’enfasi fuq l-iżvilupp ta’ soluzzjonijiet intelliġenti permezz ta’ użu kemm ta’ ħardwer, kif ukoll ta’ softwer.

Il-programm jiffoka fuq is-softwer bħala infrastruttura ta’ servizz, il-ġestjoni tal-informazzjoni, is-sistemi tal-intrapriżi u l-Loġistika elettronika. Issir enfasi wkoll fuq l-istrateġija u l-ġestjoni tas-sistemi, l-innovazzjoni tal-proċess tan-negozju u ċ-ċibersigurtà. L-elementi ewlenin tal-programm huma t-teknoloġiji tas-sigurtà tan-netwerk u tal-ġestjoni tad-data, kif ukoll in-netwerking definit mis-softwer, u l-qasam il-ġdid tal-hashing u l-kompjuting distribwit, karatterizzat mis-sistemi tal-kontroll tal-verżjoni distribwiti u applikazzjonijiet tal-cryptocurrency ibbażati fuq il-blockchain.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters (2 ½ Years)

Intake Info:

October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Environmental Engineering programme takes an interdisciplinary approach into the investigation of processes that control the earth and its environment. The programme will deliver all necessary knowledge and skills to seize opportunities presented by new developments in areas such as global cycles, biogeochemistry, sustainable technologies, waste and water treatment, environmental pollution assessment and remediation, and natural hazard. A special focus on environmental auditing and impact assessment shall be made, particularly in water, energy, noise and traffic auditing.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Environmental Engineering jadotta approċċ interdixxiplinari fl-investigazzjoni ta’ proċessi li jikkontrollaw id-dinja u l-ambjent tagħha. Il-programm jippreżenta l-għarfien u l-ħiliet kollha neċessarji biex jinħatfu l-opportunitajiet ippreżentati mill-iżviluppi ġodda, f’oqsma bħaċ-ċikli globali, il-bijoġeokimika, it-teknoloġiji sostenibbli, it-trattament tal-ilma u l-iskart, il-valutazzjoni u r-rimedju tat-tniġġis ambjentali, u l-perikli naturali. Issir enfasi speċjali fuq l-awditjar ambjentali u għandha ssir valutazzjoni tal-impatt, b’mod partikolari fl-awditjar tal-ilma, l-enerġija, l-istorbju u t-traffiku.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters

Intake Info:

October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in High Performance Buildings

Course Description:

The Master of Science in High Performance Buildings (HPB) gives candidates the opportunity to develop optimized building concepts, integrating various components of holistic design methodology, building physics, building climatology and comfort, energy-efficiency, environmental sources, building services systems, building aerodynamics, thermal and fluid dynamic CFD simulations, lighting design, building operation, as well as green urban modelling. The programme provides for advanced skills in specialization and scientific research of building physics coupled with architectural design, preparing students for professional, as well as research and development settings at national and international levels.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-Master of Science in High Performance Buildings (HPB) jipprovdi lill-kandidati l-opportunità li jiżviluppaw kunċetti ta’ bini ottimizzati, billi jintegraw diversi partijiet tal-metodoloġija ta’ disinn olistiku, il-fiżika tal-bini, il-klimatoloġija u l-kumdità tal-bini, l-effiċjenza fl-enerġija, is-sorsi ambjentali, is-sistemi ta’ servizzi tal-bini, l-ajrudinamika tal-bini, is-simulazzjonijiet termali u fluwidi dinamiċi tas-CFD, id-disinn tat-tidwil, l-operat tal-bini, kif ukoll l-immudellar ekoloġiku urban. Il-programm jipprovdi ħiliet avvanzati fl-ispeċjalizzazzjoni u r-riċerka xjentifika tal-fiżika tal-bini, flimkien mad-disinn tal-arkitettura, filwaqt li jħejji lill-istudenti għal ambjenti professjonali, kif ukoll tar-riċerka u l-iżvilupp fil-livelli nazzjonali u internazzjonali.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters

Intake Info:

October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Integrated Water Resource Management

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Integrated Water Resource Management programme shall impart in-depth knowledge and practical experience in applied science aspects of water systems in small island states, with a focus on water measurement, water sustainability, water consumption, water chemistry, microbiology and analytics. The course comprises a range of practical modules in water metering, sensing and measurement, applied microbiology, biofouling/biocorrosion, chemometrics, environmental microbiology and water chemistry.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Integrated Water Resource Management jipprovdi għarfien fil-fond u esperjenza prattika fl-aspetti tax-xjenza applikata tas-sistemi tal-ilma fi stati gżejjer żgħar, b’enfasi fuq il-kejl tal-ilma, is-sostenibbiltà tal-ilma, il-konsum tal-ilma, il-kimika, il-mikrobijoloġija u l-analitika tal-ilma. Il-kors jinkludi firxa ta’ unitajiet prattiċi fil-kejl tal-konsum tal-ilma u d-detezzjoni tal-ilma, il-mikrobijoloġija applikata, il-bijoinkrostazzjoni/il-bijokorrużjoni, il-kemometrija, il-mikrobijoloġija ambjentali u l-kimika tal-ilma.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters


October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Arts in Product Design

Course Description:

The Master of Arts in Product Design programme develops the artistic and humanistic skills belonging to design culture together with the technical know-how that relates to production technology, materials, and manufacturing costs. It strives to meet the need of operating in a worldwide landscape of heightened competition where the designer can increase the value of a consumer product by creating innovation – in both aesthetics and usability – that takes advantage of available technologies and ever-changing consumer lifestyles. Candidates will build an improved critical capability to explore contemporary design languages, focus on experimentation with innovative inter-disciplinary technologies and materials, from preliminary concept to finish, and focus on understanding and developing sustainable production and consumption processes.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm tal-Master of Arts in Product Design jiżviluppa l-ħiliet artistiċi u umanistiċi li jappartjenu għall-kultura tad-disinn, flimkien mal-għarfien espert tekniku li jirrigwarda t-teknoloġija tal-produzzjoni, il-materjali u l-ispejjeż tal-manifattura. Dan ifittex li jissodisfa l-ħtieġa tal-operat f’pajsaġġ dinji ta’ kompetizzjoni ogħla, fejn id-disinjatur jista’ jżid il-valur ta’ prodott tal-konsumatur billi joħloq innovazzjoni – kemm fl-estetika kif ukoll fl-użu – li tieħu vantaġġ mit-teknoloġiji disponibbli u l-istili ta’ ħajja tal-konsumatur dejjem jinbidlu. Il-kandidati jiżviluppaw kapaċità kritika mtejba biex jesploraw lingwi tad-disinn kontemporanju, jiffokaw fuq esperimentazzjoni b’teknoloġiji interdixxiplinari u materjali innovattivi, minn kunċett preliminari sat-tlestija, u jiffokaw fuq il-fehim u l-iżvilupp ta’ proċessi ta’ produzzjoni u konsum sostenibbli.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters


October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Mechatronics

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Mechatronics programme provides students with a broad range of knowledge and skills in the field of automation and control of production processes and equipment, as well as in the field of mechatronic devices and systems control. It focuses on the study of network technologies (e.g. Ethernet, Industrial Protocol, Profinet, Modbus, Profibus, Devicenet, Control Net), and development of SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) construction. Practical use of real-time systems is also an important part of the programme. Students shall apply the theoretical principles of industrial robotics and mechatronics, mechatronic and robotic actuators, and modern technologies of microcontroller applications.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Mechatronics jipprovdi lill-istudenti firxa wiesgħa ta’ għarfien u ħiliet fil-qasam tal-awtomatizzazzjoni u l-kontroll ta’ proċessi tal-produzzjoni u t-tagħmir, kif ukoll fil-qasam ta’ apparat mekatroniku u l-kontroll tas-sistemi. Dan il-programm jiffoka fuq l-istudju tat-teknoloġiji tan-netwerk (eż. Eternet, Protokoll Industrijali, Profinet, Modbus, Profibus, Devicenet, Control Net), u l-iżvilupp tal-kostruzzjoni tas-sistema SCADA (Il-Kontroll Superviżorju u l-Akkwist tad-Data). L-użu prattiku ta’ sistemi ta’ ħin reali huwa wkoll parti importanti tal-programm. L-istudenti għandhom japplikaw il-prinċipji teoretiċi tar-robotika u l-mekatronika industrijali, l-attwaturi tal-mekatronika u tar-robotika, u t-teknoloġiji moderni ta’ applikazzjonijiet mikrokontrolluri.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters


October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)


Course Title:

Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Science

Course Description:

The Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science presents a multidisciplinary focus to help students understand the relationship between health and human performance. As an academic program, the Masters of Science will introduce translational research and provide essential foundations from the bases of physiology, biomechanics, motor behavior, and psychology. Using the social ecological approach to addressing the needs for health and human performance for the workforce in Malta, the program recognizes societal needs, introduces evidence-based strategies for intervention, and evaluates the impact of these services on health outcomes and productivity.

Course Description:

(in Maltese)

Il-Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science jippreżenta fokus multidixxiplinari biex jgħin lill-istudenti jifhmu r-relazzjoni bejn il-prestazzjoni tas-saħħa u dik umana. Bħala programm akkademiku, il-Masters of Science jintroduċi riċerka traslazzjonali u jipprovdi bażi essenzjali mil-lat tal-fiżjoloġija, il-bijomekkanika, l-imġiba tal-moviment tal-bniedem u l-psikoloġija. Bl-adozzjoni tal-approċċ ekoloġiku soċjali biex jiġu indirizzati l-ħtiġijet għall-prestazzjoni tas-saħħa u dik umana għall-forza tax-xogħol f’Malta, il-programm jirrikonoxxi l-ħtiġijiet soċjetali, jintroduċi l-istrateġiji bbażati fuq l-evidenza għal intervent, u jevalwa l-impatt ta’ dawn is-servizzi fuq ir-riżultati u l-produttività tas-saħħa.

Entry Requirements:

Relevant Degree.

MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience is also considered.


5 Semesters


October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy:

Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.

Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.

Full Masters at 90 ECTS.


Fees apply for external candidates – further information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway to Industry)