
Erasmus+ gave two of our students a unique opportunity to work abroad at a zoo in The Netherlands. These are excerpts from their experience. Ms Justine Sammut writes:

“The zoo is divided in several departments which hold different animal species. I was assigned to work with the primate section which included the care of gorillas, lemurs, oranghatoens, barmacaks, mandrills, gibbons and raindeers. The workers at the zoo were extremely kind and willing to teach me new things. My daily tasks included cleaning the animal’s enclosures, preparation of food, the actual feeding and observing their behaviour.

On the second week of the internship, the pregnant oranghatoen gave birth and I was lucky enough to get the chance to see her young. Unfortunately, I had missed the birth, however I was still pleased that she gave birth while I was working there. Since this was my first time in a zoo, I was excited to see all these different species of animals, let alone work with them. I have learned a variety of new things while working at the zoo and now I also understand better the work that these people do on a daily basis. I have come to realise that working with animals is the right path for me and this is something that I would want to do as a way of earning a living.


I honestly appreciate this opportunity that Erasmus+ has given me and I am glad that I decided to apply for this experience. I will include the certificate of attendance provided by the zoo in my CV and this will give me a better chance at finding a job in this sector after I finish my studies.”