
Course Title: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Technology
Course Code: ME7-01-21


Course details

Mode: Blended
The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Technology is of high technical content and is designed to promote higher level thinking skills in various areas of engineering with a special focus on modern low carbon and renewable energy systems.
Learners will acquire a broad range of skills in the major engineering disciplines allowing them to work in a senior technical or project management role within industry.
The course will also provide graduates a foundation for further study or for a career in an engineering related field. The learners will receive advanced study in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of engineering that builds on previous knowledge and experience.
This course is not related to the Engineering Warrant.

Fees apply – Further information through MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry)

Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document,
* A Postgraduate Certificate is achieved at 30 Credits
* A Postgraduate Diploma is achieved at 60 Credits
Students are invited to consult the MCAST Exit Strategy, for the procedure to follow when requesting Exit Point certification.

A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants.

Il-kontenut tal-Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Technology huwa wieħed tekniku ta’ livell avvanzat u huwa maħsub biex jippromwovi ħiliet ta’ ħsieb ta’ livell ogħla f’oqsma varji tal-inġinerija, b’enfasi speċjali fuq sistemi moderni li jipproduċu ammont baxx ta’ karbonju jew li jużaw enerġija rinnovabbli. L-istudenti jiksbu firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet fid-dixxiplini ewlenin tal-inġinerija. Dan jippreparahom biex jokkupaw pożizzjonijiet għoljin ta’ natura teknika jew fit-tmexxija ta’ proġetti fl-industrija. Il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-parteċipanti bażi għal studju aktar avvanzat fl-inġinerija jew għal karriera f’qasam relatat. Huma jirċievu tagħlim avvanzat kemm fl-aspetti teoretiċi tal-inġinerija, kif ukoll f’dawk prattiċi, liema tagħlim jibni fuq l-għarfien u l-esperjenza li huma jkollhom diġà.

MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry

MQF Level: 7
Duration: PT 6 Semesters
Entry requirements: Any MQF Level 6 degree related to Engineering or Science

Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: –
Programme details: