Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in IT (Computer Systems and Networks)
Course Code: IT4-A1-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
The Advanced Diploma in Computer Systems and Networks offers a diversity of units with innovative learning material and labs. The course provides ample hands-on experience to engage learners in acquiring practical skills and knowledge to assist them with establishing a career within the IT field. The duration of this programme is spread over two years the first entailing units are common to all IT streams. The intent is to ensure that learners broaden their knowledge beyond the central area of study. Lastly, the second focuses on the core aspects of routing, switching, infrastructure design principles and virtualisation techniques to implement and manage a small to a medium-sized enterprise network environment. Finally, work-based learning is also delivered utilising apprenticeship schemes to ensure that learners are adequately prepared and competent for the industry. This essentially empowers them and allows them to apply their skills in real-life environments and obtain knowledge to aid them in their studies.
Id-Diploma Avvanzata f’Sistemi u Netwerks tal-Kompjuter toffri diversità ta’ unitajiet b’materjal ta’ tagħlim u laboratorji innovattivi. Il-kors jipprovdi esperjenza prattika biżżejjed biex jinvolvi lill-istudenti biex jiksbu ħiliet u għarfien fil-prattika biex jgħinuhom jistabbilixxu karriera fil-qasam tal-IT. Il-programm huwa mifrux fuq sentejn l-ewwel unitajiet huma komuni għall-istudenti kollha tal-IT. L-intenzjoni hija li jiġi żgurat li l-istudenti jwessgħu l-għarfien tagħhom lil hinn mill-qasam ċentrali ta’ studju. Flaħħar nett, it-tieni jiffoka fuq l-aspetti ewlenin tar-rotot, il-bdil, il-prinċipji tad-disinn tal-infrastruttura u t-teknika tal-virtwalizzazzjoni biex jiġu implimentati u mmaniġġjati ambjent ta’ netwerk ta’ intrapriżi żgħar u ta’ daqs medju. Fl-aħħar nett, it-tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol jingħata wkoll bl-użu ta’ skemi ta’ apprendistat biex jiġi żgurat li l-istudenti jkunu ppreparati u kompetenti b’mod adegwat għall-industrija. Dan essenzjalment jagħtihom is-setgħa u jippermettilhom japplikaw il-ħiliet tagħhom f’ambjenti tal-ħajja reali u jiksbu għarfien biex jgħinhom fl-istudji tagħhom.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in IT
MCAST Diploma in iGaming
Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma, whilst being in possession of the compulsory subjects as indicated hereunder
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics
Compulsory: Computer Studies or Physics or Information Technology
(where applicable) MCAST also gives due recognition to ICT C3 as will be shown on the applicant’s SSCP
Applicants with a good working knowledge of English Language will benefit from a more positive learning experience throughout the course.
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Junior/assistant systems administrator, Junior/assistant network administrator, Junior/assistant database administrator, End user support
Programme details: