Gozo Campus

Course Title: Foundation Certificate in Engineering Skills
Course Code: GZ2-01-21G


Course details

Mode: –
This course exposes learners to a number of diverse engineering disciplines and trades. It comprises vocational study units covering basic Electrical Installations and Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Welding and Fabrication, and Woodwork. The programme includes elements of vocational theory and practice that will help learners acquire the knowledge, skills and competences in these vocational areas and form a clear idea of the nature of diverse vocational options that they can pursue at higher levels. Learners will gain experience in the use of tools, materials and engineering processes. This programme also enables learners to improve their key skills which will be contextualised to the vocational content.
Dan il-kors jesponi lill-istudenti għal numru ta’ dixxiplini u snajja’ tal-inġinerija. Jinkludi unitajiet ta’ studju vokazzjonali li jkopru Installazzjonijiet, Inġinerija Mekkanika, Iwweldjar u Fabbrikazzjoni, u Xogħol tal-injam. Il-programm jinkludi elementi ta’ teorija u prattika vokazzjonali li se jgħinu lill-istudenti jiksbu l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi f’dawn l-oqsma vokazzjonali u jiffurmaw idea ċara tan-natura ta’ diversi għażliet vokazzjonali li jistgħu jsegwu f’livelli ogħla. L-istudenti se jiksbu esperjenza fl-użu ta’ għodod, materjali u proċessi ta’ inġinerija. Dan il-programm jippermetti wkoll lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom li se jiġu kuntestwali mal-kontenut vokazzjonali
MQF Level: 2
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: Finished Compulsory Education
MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: –
Programme details: