Institute: Education and Training and Learning Support Department

Department: –

Course Title: Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – B)

Course Code: EPB-01-21


Course details

Mode: –

The Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – B) is a programme of study following the MCAST Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – A) that helps students with learning disabilities / learning difficulties consolidate the skills necessary to gain and maintain employment or to further their education. Students will have the opportunity to further their studies in the vocational area chosen in the MCAST Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – A), namely Hospitality and Retail or Office and Digital Skills. They will also focus on Key Skills which include Maltese, English, Mathematics, PSHE, IT, and Daily Living and Community Skills. A work placement experience in industry is also provided according to the vocational area being studied.

L-Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – B) huwa programm ta’ studju li jsegwi l-MCAST Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – A) u jgħin lill-istudenti b’diżabilità jew b’diffikultà fit-tagħlim jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex isibu u jżommu impjieg jew biex ikomplu jistudjaw. L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom fil-qasam vokazzjonali magħżul fl-MCAST Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – A), jiġifieri Ospitalità u Bejgħ jew Ħiliet tal-Uffiċċju u Ħiliet Diġitali. Huma jiffukaw ukoll fuq il-Ħiliet Ewlenin, li jinkludu l-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika, il-PSHE, l-IT, u l-Ħiliet għall-Ħajja ta’ Kuljum u dik Komunitarja. Barra minn hekk, l-istudenti jingħataw iċ-ċans li jagħmlu esperjenza ta’ taħriġ f’post tax-xogħol fl-industrija, skont il-qasam vokazzjonali li jkunu qed jitħarrġu għalih.

MQF Level: Introductory B

Duration: 1 Year Full-time

Entry requirements: MCAST Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory Level – A)
Adaptation to both class-based and community-based learning to be ascertained through the previous year
Commitment to prospective employment.

Other entry requirements: –

Career opportunities: Hospitality – Housekeeping assistant, Kitchen hand, Factory hand, Laundry worker, Clerical – Office assistant, Library assistant

Programme details:

Programme outline(pdf): Download