Institute of Community Services

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness)
Course Code: CS4-03-21


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
This is a full-time programme with a strong emphasis on the theoretical and practical components of sports and fitness. The course looks into coaching, fitness and sports development, basic sports science fundamentals and includes modules related to sports injuries and sports as a business venture. Placement experience provided throughout the course further strengthens these abilities. During the two years of this programme of studies, the learner will be exposed to an array of activities that will enrich their experience in the world of sports and fitness.
Dan huwa programm full-time b’enfasi qawwija fuq it-teorija u il-prattika f’isports u il-fitness. Il-kors jittratta l-ikkowċjar, il-fitness, ix-xjenza bażika tal-isport u l-iżvilupp, u jinkludi unitajiet ta’ studju relatati ma’ korrimenti waqt l-isport u l-isport bħala negozju. L-esperjenza ta’ xogħol waqt il-kors tkompli ssaħħaħ il-kapaċità tal-istudent f’dawn l-oqsma. Matul is-sentejn ta’ studju, l-istudent jiġi espost għal varjetà ta’ attivitjiet li jsaħħu l-esperjenza fid-dinja tal-isport u l-fitness.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: Medical clearance is required.
Career opportunities: Fitness Instructor/Coach, Gym Instructor/Coach, Sport Fundamentals Coach, Sport Development Officer, Sport Activity Organiser
Programme details: