Institute of Community Services

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Beauty and Complementary Therapies
Course Code: CS4-01-21


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
This programme of studies is made up of units intended to equip learners with the knowledge to provide relaxation and stress relief treatments as well as to improve skin conditions. Learners will have the opportunity to perform practical tasks during hands-on sessions within the inhouse salon at the Institute of Community Services. There will also be work placement experiences within established salons and spas as part of the course programme. Study units during the second year of studies include alternative therapies such as reflexology, hot stone therapy and aromatherapy. At the end of the first academic year, successful learners will have the option to exit their studies and be awarded the MCAST Award in Beauty Therapy. Upon completion of the full programme the learners will qualify as beauty therapists. Learners are required to purchase the necessary beauty accessories at the beginning of the academic year.
Dan il-programm huwa magħmul minn unitajiet maħsuba biex iħejju lill-istudenti blgħarfien biex jipprovdu trattamenti ta’ rilassament u jtaffu mill-istress kif ukoll biex itejbu l-kundizzjonijiet tal-ġilda. L-istudent se jkollhom l-opportunità li jagħmlu l-prattika fissalon fl-Istitut tas-Servizzi fil-Komunità. Se jkun hemm ukoll work placements fis-salons u spas stabbiliti bħala parti mill-programm tal-kors. Taqsimiet ta’ studju matul it-tieni sena ta’ studji jinkludu terapiji alternattivi bħar-riflessoloġija, terapija tal-ġebel sħun u aromaterapija. Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena akkademika, l-istudenti li jirnexxu se jkollhom l-għażla li jieqfu mill-istudji tagħhom u jingħataw l-Award in Beauty Therapy. Meta jitlesta l-programm sħiħ l-istudenti jikkwalifikaw bħala terapisti tas-sbuħija. L-istudenti huma mitluba jixtru l-aċċessorji meħtieġa tas-sbuħija fil-bidu tas-sena akkademika.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma for Beauty Specialists
ITEC Diploma for Beauty Specialists
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Beauty Therapist
Programme details: