
Course Title: Master of Arts in Product Design
Course Code: CA7-11-21


Course details

Mode: Blended
The Master of Arts in Product Design programme develops the artistic and humanistic skills belonging to the design culture together with the technical know-how that relates to production technology, materials and manufacturing costs. It strives to meet the need of operating in a worldwide landscape of heightened competition where the designer can increase the value of a consumer product by creating innovation – in both aesthetics and usability – that takes advantage of available technologies and ever-changing consumer lifestyles. Candidates will build an improved critical capability to explore contemporary design languages, focus on experimentation with innovative interdisciplinary technologies and materials from preliminary concept to finish, and focus on understanding and developing sustainable production and consumption processes.

Fees apply – Further information through MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry)
Unless otherwise indicated through the respective Programme Specifications, as well as the MCAST Exit Policy document,
* A Postgraduate Certificate is achieved at 30 Credits
* A Postgraduate Diploma is achieved at 60 Credits
Students are invited to consult the MCAST Exit Strategy, for the procedure to follow when requesting Exit Point certification.

A Master programme of study will take off (being on full-time or part-time mode of study) dependent on a minimum number of eligible applicants.

Il-programm tal-Master of Arts in Product Design jiżviluppa l-ħiliet artistiċi u umanistiċi li jappartjenu lill-kultura tad-disinn, flimkien ma’ għarfien espert tekniku li jirrigwarda t-teknoloġija tal-produzzjoni, il-materjali u l-ispejjeż tal-manifattura. Dan ifittex li jissodisfa l-ħtieġa tal-operat f’pajsaġġ dinji ta’ kompetizzjoni qawwija, fejn id-disinjatur jista’ jżid il-valur ta’ prodott għall-konsumatur billi joħloq innovazzjoni – kemm fl-estetika kif ukoll fl-użu – li tieħu vantaġġ mit-teknoloġiji disponibbli u l-istili ta’ ħajja tal-konsumatur li dejjem jinbidlu. Il-kandidati jiżviluppaw kapaċità kritika aħjar biex jesploraw lingwi tad-disinn kontemporanji, jiffokaw fuq esperimentazzjoni b’teknoloġiji interdixxiplinari u materjali innovattivi mill-kunċett preliminari sat-tlestija, u jiffokaw fuq il-fehim u l-iżvilupp ta’ proċessi ta’ produzzjoni u konsum sostenibbli.

MIŻATI: Japplikaw ħlasijiet – Aktar informazzjoni permezz ta’ MG2i (MCAST Gateway to Industry

MQF Level: 7
Duration: PT 5 Semesters
Entry requirements: A relevant first degree

Other entry requirements: An MQF Level 5 qualification and adequate professional experience are also considered.
Career opportunities: –
Programme details: