Institute for the Creative Arts

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Fashion and Retail
Course Code: CA4-A1-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This course is designed to address the skills shortages in the fashion design and production sector. Learners undertaking the course learn important skills required for the fashion retail sector, together with basic entrepreneurial knowledge to support those learners who would like to set up their own atelier in the future. The first year of the programme offers learners the cultural, theoretical and creative aspects of the subject. Another important area is pattern drafting and sewing techniques in preparation for the second year. The second year of studies provides learners with the opportunity to develop further their knowledge and skills in the specialisation. They will participate in apprenticeship as well as present their own design concepts in a fashion collection as their final major project.
Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jindirizza n-nuqqasijiet fil-ħiliet fis-settur tad-disinn u l-produzzjoni tal-moda. L-istudenti li jidħlu għall-kors jiksbu ħiliet importanti li huma meħtieġa fis-settur tal-bejgħ lill-konsumatur f’dan il-qasam, flimkien ma’ għarfien intraprenditorjali bażiku li jgħin lil dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ li jkollhom l-istudjo tagħhom fil-futur. L-ewwel sena tal-programm toffri lill-istudenti l-aspetti kulturali, teoretiċi u kreattivi tas-suġġett. Qasam importanti ieħor huwa t-tfassil u t-teknika tal-ħjata bi tħejjija għat-tieni sena ta’ studju tipprovdi lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jkomplu jiżviluppaw l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom fl-ispeċjalizzazzjoni. Huma jieħdu sehem f’apprendistat u jippreżentaw il-kunċetti tad-disinn tagħhom stess f’kollezzjoni tal-moda bħala l-proġett ewlieni finali tagħhom.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present a Portfolio.
Career opportunities: Junior designer in the fashion industry, Junior producer in an atelier, Assistant in a fashion marketing department, Assistant in fashion merchandising, Assistant in fashion retail and customer care
Programme details: