Institute for the Creative Arts

Course Title: Advanced Diploma in Digital Design
Course Code: CA4-02-21


Course details

Mode: Includes Work Placement
The course introduces common fundamental principles, skills and software related to contemporary fields of design. Minor streams in game art, graphic design and interactive media will allow learners to specialise in their field of interest and master the required skills in preparation for more independent study at undergraduate level. Exploratory exercises, real life work and the possibility of competitions all form part of the process for an effective learning experience. Taught by experienced visual and technical designers from interdependent fields, this course of study prepares learners to communicate ideas and solve problems through creative and interactive solutions.
Il-kors jintroduċi lill-istudenti għal prinċipji fundamentali komuni, ħiliet u softwer relatati ma’ oqsma kontemporanji tad-disinn. Studju f’oqsma speċifiċi tal-arti tal-logħob, id-disinn grafiku u l-midja interattiva jagħtu lill-istudenti ċ-ċans li jispeċjalizzaw fil-qasam li jinteressahom u li jsaħħu l-ħiliet meħtieġa bi preparazzjoni għal studju aktar indipendenti f’livell ta’ baċellerat. Eżerċizzji esploratorji, xogħol ta’ veru u l-possibiltà ta’ parteċipazzjoni f’kompetizzjonijiet jiffurmaw parti mill-proċess li jwassal għal esperjenza effettiva tat-tagħlim. L-għalliema ta’ dan il-kors ta’ studju huma disinjaturi viżwali u tekniċi ta’ esperjenza li huma ġejjin minn oqsma differenti imma interdipendenti. Huma jippreparaw lill-istudenti biex ikunu kapaċi jikkomunikaw l-ideat tagħhom u jsolvu problemi bis-saħħa ta’ soluzzjonijiet kreattivi u interattivi.
MQF Level: 4
Duration: 2 Years Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Diploma in Printing
MCAST Diploma in Art and Design
MCAST Diploma in Media
Any MCAST Level 3 Diploma, whilst being in possession of the compulsory subject as indicated hereunder
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Art or a comparable award (in terms of both volume, content and Level of studies) related to Digital Design
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present a Portfolio.
Career opportunities: Junior graphic designer, Junior web designer, Junior 2D artist, Junior game developer
Programme details: