Institute for the Creative Arts

Course Title: Diploma in Media
Course Code: CA3-03-22


Course details

Mode: May include the possibility of Work-based Learning
The creative media sector is versatile and it encompasses many job opportunities for young learners who are ready to take on this adventure. This programme aims to give learners an introduction to the various disciplines and elements that make up the creative media sector and it also allows learners to experience working on media-related projects first hand. This course provides learners with the ideal foundations upon which they can further specialise as creative media professionals.
Is-settur tal-midja kreattiva huwa versatili u jħaddan ħafna opportunitajiet ta’ impjiegi għal studenti żgħażagħ li huma lesti jidħlu għal din l-avventura. Dan il-programm għandu l-għan li jintroduċi lill-istudenti għad-diversi dixxiplini u elementi li jiffurmaw is-settur tal-midja kreattiva u jippermetti wkoll li l-istudenti jaħdmu fuq proġetti relatati mal-midja b’mod dirett. Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-bażi ideali li fuqha jistgħu jkomplu jispeċjalizzaw bħala professjonisti tal-midja kreattiva.
MQF Level: 3
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate
2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview and/or present a Portfolio.
Career opportunities: Production office assistant, Studio assistant, Photography assistant, Graphic Design Assistant
Programme details: