Centre for Learning and Employability

Course Title: Award in Retail
Course Code: LE1-04-21


Course details

This programme is intended for learners who would like to become familiar with the local retailing sector, in particular small retail shops. Learners who apply for this course need to be genuinely interested and willing to work in a post related to the retail sector. Learners will become familiar with the basic business concepts, including the principles of stock management. They will also be made aware of different types of customers and situations that people who work in a retail environment would typically face. To achieve this, learners will be exposed to the importance of, and the skills required for good communication, as well as teamwork.
Dan il-programm huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jsiru familjari mas-setturi lokali ta’ bejgħ għall-konsumatur, b’mod partikolari ħwienet żgħar. L-istudenti li japplikaw għal dan il-kors jeħtieġ li jkollhom interess ġenwin u li jkunu lesti li jaħdmu f’post relatat mas-settur tal-bejgħ għall-konsumatur. L-istudenti jsiru familjari mal-kunċetti bażiċi tan-negozju, inklużi l-prinċipji tal-immaniġġjar tal-istokk. Huma jsiru konxji wkoll dwar it-tipi differenti ta’ konsumaturi u sitwazzjonijiet li normalment jiffaċċjaw il-persuni li jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’ bejgħ għall-konsumatur. Għal dan il-għan, l-istudenti jsiru konxji mill-importanza ta’ komunikazzjoni tajba u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex din isseħħ, kif ukoll mill-importanza ta’ ħidma f’tim.
MQF Level: 1
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: Finished Compulsory Education, documented by the SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate and Profile).
Applicants are required to present a recent psychological report (issued no more than 3 years before date of application) and school reports including most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Adapt to both class-based and community-based learning – to be ascertained through an induction session at MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory
Other entry requirements: Applicants may be asked to sit for an Interview.
Career opportunities: Shop Assistant, Store Assistant
Programme details: