Institute of Engineering and Transport

Course Title: Diploma in Aircraft Structures and Repairs
Course Code: AE3-A5-21


Course details

Mode: Apprenticeship
This MCAST diploma is intended to train the learner in competences related to Aircraft Structures and Repairs which are essential for structure repair mechanics. This training course will include Basic Aircraft Sheet Metal, Structures Repair Procedures and Human Factors, amongst other modules. It is divided into three main areas, namely: the theoretical element, the practical experience and on-the-job exposure. This is an opportunity for individuals to commence or develop their career in the aviation industry.
Din id-diploma tal-MCAST hija maħsuba biex tħarreġ lill-istudenti fil-kompetenzi relatati mal-Istrutturi u t-Tiswijiet tal-Ajurplani, li huma essenzjali għall-mekkaniks li jaħdmu f’dan ix-xogħol. Dan il-kors ta’ taħriġ jinkludi Basic Aircraft Sheet Metal (Xogħol Bażiku fuq Pjanċi tal-Metall tal-Ajruplani), Structures Repair Procedures (Proċeduri ta’ Tiswija tal-Istrutturi) u Human Factors (Fatturi Umani), fost unitajiet oħrajn. Il-programm huwa maqsum fi tliet oqsma ewlenin: l-element teoretiku, l-esperjenza prattika u t-taħriġ fuq il-post tax-xogħol. Din hija opportunità għal dawk l-individwi li jixtiequ jibdew jew jiżviluppaw il-karriera tagħhom fl-industrija tal-avjazzjoni.
MQF Level: 3
Duration: 1 Year Full-time
Entry requirements: MCAST Foundation Certificate
2 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Applicants already in possession of passes in Part-66 Aircraft Mechanic Category A modules will also be considered.
Other entry requirements: –
Career opportunities: Aircraft structure repair assistant mechanic
Programme details: