Author: Admin

March 15, 2020 Admin

MCAST Online Learning Press Release MCAST Media Release C19 Online Learning 15 3 2020 Stqarrija 15 ta’ Marzu 2020 L-MCAST joffri opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim onlajn b’reazzjoni għal COVID-19 Wara l-aħbar tal-Gvern dwar l-għeluq tal-istituzzjonijiet edukattivi kollha (Avviż Legali 41), l-MCAST se joffri opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim onlajn lill-istudenti fl-istituti kollha tiegħu. Din hija parti mill-inizjattivi meħuda…

March 5, 2020 Admin

Students participate in the Robotics Competition in Dubai On Tuesday 22nd October 2019, First Global Team Malta 2019 participated in the robotics competition in Dubai. The team was made up of students Amy Ann Debono, Katia Cassar, Miraine Galea, Alexander Fiott and Mandy Farrugia, all following the Advanced Diploma in IT (Software Development) and chosen as…

January 30, 2020 Admin

Campaign  Seeds for the trees (Holm Oak, Cypress, Lentil and Almond Tree) MCAST have started on the campaign to encourage staff and students to voluntarily help grow indigenous trees and the first sessions were held at Students’ House. Seeds for the trees (Holm Oak, Cypress, Lentil and Almond Tree) were provided for free, together with…

January 21, 2020 Admin

Directors met  MCAST Student Council (KSM)   MCAST CEO & Principal together with Institute Directors met with MCAST Student Council (KSM) to discuss the role of KSM to promote the College interests and enhance the involvement of the students in the affairs of the College that contribute towards MCAST’s college and community welfare.

January 13, 2020 Admin

€0.8M EU H2020 NEEMO Project on Electric Mobility Operations launched An MCAST-led EU H2020 project worth €0.8 million has been launched this week at the MCAST main campus in Paola. The Minister for Education and Employment Hon. Evarist Bartolo, was present for the launch.  More Info..  

January 10, 2020 Admin

MCAST Students Restoration Works As part of their vocational training, students following the Advanced Heritage Skills course have been undertaking various hands-on work related to their studies. One such group is currently doing restoration work on the St. Catherine’s Chapel at Gudja under the supervision of their lecturer Mr. V. Camilleri. Amongst the work already…

December 6, 2019 Admin

MCAST Energy successfully organised the first School: Solutions for Photovoltaic Systems Integration JUMP2Excel project, short for “Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence”, has recently completed the first School focusing on the topic of Photovoltaics (PV) integration solutions, hosted by the MCAST Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Throughout the School the importance…

December 4, 2019 Admin

MCAST inaugurated a Multifaith and Quiet Contemplation Room On 3rd December 2019 MCAST inaugurated a Multifaith and Quiet Contemplation Room.  The room is situated at the Students’ House ground floor, a focus of students’ life, close to the Youth Hub.  MCAST is sending a clear message that embracing diversity is pivotal to the College vision. …

November 28, 2019 Admin

Agriculture Water Management Multi-stakeholder analysis to improve agricultural water management policy and practice in Malta Author links open overlay panelD.D’AgostinoaM.BorgbS.H.HallettcR.S.SakrabanicA.ThompsoncL.PapadimitrioucJ.W.Knox Abstract Malta faces a raft of water challenges which are negatively impacting on the sustainability of irrigated agriculture, and creating serious tensions with other sectors competing for water, including urban development, tourism and the environment….