MCAST students will receive results

June 22, 2021 Communications

MCAST students will receive results

MCAST is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with MUT on the various claims, including the interpretation of the salary increments of the payment structure. Students will be receiving their results as the MUT has lifted its directive following mediated negotiations which were concluded successfully today.

L-istudenti tal-MCAST se jirċievu r-riżultati

L-MCAST bi pjaċir iħabbar li laħaq ftehim mal-MUT dwar id-diversi talbiet, inkluż l-interpretazzjoni taż-żidiet fis-salarji skont l-istruttura tal-ħlas. L-istudenti se jkunu qed jirċievu r-riżultati tagħhom hekk kif l-MUT neħħiet id-direttiva tagħha wara negozjati b’medjazzjoni li ġew konklużi b’suċċess illum.